Joel, Nick and maybe Lewis are back with another podcast and along with the normal show content: News, Kickstarters, played games they are also taking a look at the new hotness Earth,... Maybe.
Ethnos gets a new reprint & a retheme: Archeos Society
New BGG No 1 - Brass Birmingham
Roll & Meow - The Cat Burglars
Earth First thoughts plus we talk about playing games online
Any other business
Joel - Slay the Spire and Dead Cells
Nick - Salt & Sass podcast
Ways you can engage or contact the show
Here is the link to our discord channel Devon Dice
Find us on Twitter @DevonDiceUK, Facebook page, BGG Guild
Find us on @DepressedMonk3y @The_BreweryTour @meeplescorner @njshaw2
Our web page
Youtube - DevonDiceUK please like subscribe to our channel
Joel, Sam, and Nick are back with another podcast, and along with the normal show content: News, Kickstarters, and played games! They are also taking a look back at their favorite games from 5 and 10 years ago, 2013 and 2018, plus their worst game from then, too.
Stonemaiere news games drops
Tapestry Fantasies & Futures,
Descent: Legends of the Dark - Betrayer's War,
Renegade Game Studios announced a deal Sid Sackson's Acquire,
Marvel United Multiverse season 3, Stonesage, Blueprints of mad king Lubwick, 4 small games from Board game tables
Games Played:
Stroganov, Wingspan Asia, Paperback, Sushi Go!
list of games from the top 3 in 2013 and 2018:
BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar,
Firefly: The Game,
Kashgar: Merchants of the Silk Road
Ways you can engage or contact the show
Here is the link to our discord channel Devon Dice
Find us on Twitter @DevonDiceUK, Facebook page, BGG Guild
Find us on @DepressedMonk3y @The_BreweryTour @meeplescorner @njshaw2
Our web page
Youtube - DevonDiceUK please like subscribe to our channel