Joel, Doctor Lewis and Sam bring you a Christmas Special show. Open conversation, chat about games played over the month and Joel put together a board game pub quiz for the guys to fight over.
Sit back and enjoy.
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Joel can now say, "been there, done that and bought a T-shirt from Essen!" and he was joined by two friends, and they remained friends, in their adventures through the halls of Spiel. Here is a 60 minute loaddown of what they got up too. Trust me when I say, they could have recorded for hours.
They talk about lots of games they played and bought, people the meet and a whole lot more.
Big thanks go to the co-host of the show Lewis Jones and Micheal Verde for being on the show, maybe you will hear more from them in the future.
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Joel and Sam list their top 6 games they would pick up at Essen this year and invited special guest, Oliver Brooks, along to add his comments on their picks. Oliver is a new board game designer and has his first game coming out at Essen, Dance of the Fireflies from Backspindle Games Ltd. Essen preorder here.
They discuss topics of the week,
The rising cost of 7th Continent
Tom Vasel's (Dice Tower) rant at LGSs Local Gaming Stores.
Getting rules wrong
Moving to their top 6 games, which I won't spoil here, you will have to listen to find out. But you can pop along to Meeples' Corner to the preorder page because Chris has most the games discussed, listed and ready for you to purchase, to delivered, once they arrive in the shop.
Thank you the contributors for their top 6 games, it helped make a really good show and we also had a question of the week from Jon.
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Joel and Sam get together to bring you episode 39 of the Devon Dice Podcast and talk shop, more Meeples' Corner shop and gaming days, News, Kickstarters and what Joel has been playing lately.
Meeples’ Corner gaming day at Crediton town hall on 28th oct
The Pegasus Spiele Day nov 25th 12-5 at the shop.
You can now preorder Charterstone for essen pick up
What we have been playing:
Joel: Downforce, Restoration Games
Whistle Stop, Bézier Games, Inc.
Flipships, Renegade Game Studios
Rhino Heroes: Super Battles, HABA
Sam: lots of Clank! Renegade Game Studios
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Joel and Lewis are back for anther episode of the unhinged, Joel has man flu and Lewis is tried so this will make for the best episode ever...
First up is all about riding the rides at Theme Parks, building Kallex shelving before moving on to TV and Movies. The big talking points are Star Trek: Discovery, Wonder Women, comerdy On Netflex.
Lewis asks Joel what is on his "to buy list" when he goes to Essen trade fair at the end of the month. Moving into discusion on what games they played: Rhino Hero: Super Battles, Whistle Stop and have a depth look into Down Force, the new reprinted racing game from Restoration Games.
At the very end there is a little discusions about video games they were playing.
Thank you for Listening and tune in for the end of month for the next unhinged episode.
DLP Games has announced Altiplano,
11 new board games to be converted to apps from Asmodee Digital
What we have been playing:
Joel: City of Spies, Ticket To Ride: UK maps, Werewords.
Sam: more Clank!, NMBR9, Unearth
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Join Joel and Lewis on their second outing of the Unhinged podcast where they talk about anything they want to.
warning it is not like the other podcasts and you will find it has naughty works and Adolescent innuedos.
Join Joel And Tom for another podcast episode and hear them talk about some cool stuff about Gen Con 50, happening as they record, in Indianapolis, America. And how Joel got on play with Sony's VR head set, Tom tells us about his holiday to Ireland and gaming.
Plus games they played:
Clank! In Space - link
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition - link
Sid Meirer's Civillization: A new dawn. link
Through the Desert. Link
Fog Monster Mini Fog Machine For Tabletop Games & Special FX:
A DOG’S LIFE GAME – Be A Canine Hero!
The Brigade - The Board Game of Fantasy Firefighting
and the winner of the copy of pocket mars is announced.
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Joel is the only one to turn up for this podcast, so get ready to listen to 2 hours of Joel talk about all the gaming he has been doing... KIDDING... its only about 20 minutes and 15 minutes is just Joel trying to pronounce names' right.
He does talk about some of the games played: Gloomhaven and Pokemon Card Game.
Then he talks about some Kickstarters you want to take a look at:
Heroes Wanted: Elements of Danger
A new collection of miniatures 40 mm from Cartoon Miniatures
And news the competition to win copy of Pocket Mars
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you will find mild langage and rude stuff being talked about here.
listen to Joel and Lewis right the world in this new spin off podcast about everything not to do with Board games.
Joel and Sam return this week with a normal podcast where they will bring you the lastest News, Kickstarters and what they have been playing.
Spiel Des Jahres winners announced
Ice Cool
Plan B Games acquires Eggertspiele
What we have been playing:
Joel: Dice forge
Sam: Near & Far
Star Scrappers: Cave-in! is a tactical “discard building” card game for 2-4 players, where your strategy really matters. The game is set in the Star Scrappers Universe, a sci-fi world of endless intrigue, conflict and adventure. Will you be able to use the unique skills of different factions and make them work together?
Founders of Gloomhaven: is a competitive 2 hour city building game for 1-4 players. It is not an expansion to Gloomhaven, but a stand-alone Euro project that features a unique mix of tile placement, action selection, hand management, worker placement, and blind bidding.
Bonus content
Win a copy Pocket Mars
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Hey everyone, this months podcast is bought to you by The UK Games Expo 2017...
This episode is a long one and it's all about the show that happens every year in the Birmingham NEC. It will feature talk about almost everything that happen to Joel, Tom and Sam at the show.
They meet lots of friends, new faces, played lots of game and eat like kings.
Interlude 1: Sound bite from the Dark Room last year 2016
Interlude 2: musice clip of the Donut Song By Sorted Food on YOUTUBE a parody of Uptown Funk
Tom's section 2:14:00
Tom's Poem parody of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth
The end riddle: 2 dead bodies, a phone booth and broken glass everywhere?
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Hey Everone, this podcast is slightly different as the first half was recorded in the beginning of May with Joel and Sam and the second half was recorded middle of May with Joel and Tom. But they still talk about all the normal things they like to talk about, board games.
What we have been playing:
Joel: Santorini,
Sam: Petrichor, Lanterns, Yamatai
Hasbro to start their loot crate kind of thing,
AEG want know all about you in exchange for some promo cards for Mystic Vale.
Clank mensa awards
Joel; Gloomhaven
Tom: Arabian nights, Arboretum
Zombie Tsunami - The Board Game
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Joel and Sam give us an Easter special podcast, why's its special - only because it was the day they recorded it on. Episode 31 also will feel like an express episode as they try and record less time then normal and get back their wifes before they notice they are gone.
Joel talks about Car-booting and playing Rimworld on steam, there also Might be a new number 1 fan for the podcast.
They follow up talk about the Meeples' corner's games day and all the games they played
Game - Century The spice road.
Meeple corner top 5 sells and preorders
Great news: Meeples’ Corner is an official PremiumShop for Pegasus Spiele.
Game - Frogriders.
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Joel and Sam return this week to bring you another Devon Dice Podcast episode after a few long weeks of working.
What we have been playing:
Joel: Plague Inc,
Sam: TIME Stories: Under The Mask and Expedition: Endurance,
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Episode 29 of the Devon Dice podcast has landed.
Joel and Sam are joined by Gary (Xantirad) Blower from The Gameburst Podcast to talk about their gaming exploits, News, Kickstarter (One in particular thats just landed), plus we announce the winner of the A tenner for a title compo.
Meeple corner top 5 sells and preorders
What we have been playing:
Joel: Coloretto, The Pursuit of Happiness
Gary: Twilight Imperium 3ed
Sam: Xia: Legends of a Drift System, Black Fleet
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Hey everyone, Late but a packed full Podcast from Devon Dice is here. And boy there is a lot to talk about so lets not hang aorund any more.
What we have been playing:
Joel: Clank! App and solo, Vikings gone wild, Batman: Gotham City Strategy Game
Sam: Via Nebula, Manhattan Project: Energy Empire, Birds of a Feather
Small topic do you think kickstarter is close to bursting? Or is this the new way we will get our games.
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Here is a special podcast from Devon Dice with Joel and Sam interview Sarah Kennington about Kickstarter Game ORE-SOME!
They also lok at a couple other kickstarter games at are kickstarter at the present time.
Dogs - Terminator: The Board Game - Champions of Midgard: The Expansions:
Tune in for part 2 of 28 where it is pack full of more gaming goodness.
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Joel and Tom return to bring you episode 2 in the season 2 of the Devon Dice Podcast to you all the great board gaming content as normal. With the added value of an interview with Ryan Ilar from Wonderment Games and his game Quodd Heroes.
What we have been playing:
Medici - 5:44 [SHOP]
Temp Worker Assassins - 9:00
Ticket to Ride: Asia map - 12:10
Above and Below - 16:10 [SHOP]
Beast of Balance - 22:40 [SHOP]
Bonus Content:
Joel tell us about his trip to Paw 2017
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Here it is, the first Devon Dice Podcast of season 2, Episode 26 and it is a bit different. Only Joel was avalible to do it, so he called in a friend to co-host and help him with pronouncing names. Justin Smith joins Joel for the first but not the first podcast of year, they talk about Games they have been playing:
Star Wars: Imperial Assault: Jabba's Realm expansion [BUY]
Joel is joined by Sam to interview Peter Blenkharn from the In The Box Games to talk about his new game on Kickstarter Sub Terra
also Tao Long
and Defense Grid: The Board Game
to finish off Joel tells us about the shows he been waching on Netflix; Rick and Morty and The Expanse just Justin is looking forward to at the cinema.
Big thanks to Justin for stepping find him on twitter @Onyersix
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Welcome to episode 25 everyone, the NOT New Year's Eve Podcast. You will hear on the podcast why it is so late. But here it is is for your listening ears. Hear about Joel, Lewis, Sam and Tom's top 5 games and disappointments of 2016.
Also big thanks to all guest Contrubruters for sending their top 5 games of the year.
Brandon Kempf From WDYPTW podcast @VacaBCK
Daren from Podcast - Read his full thoughts here - Blog
Oliver Brookes - friend and up-coming game designer
Jon Steggles - our #1 Fan
Doctor Lewis who wrote the MvM review
Micheal friend from Thursday night gaming
Ben Martin Artist and friend of the show
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